Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday Style

It's been a while, but it's been work, domestic diva, work, domestic diva, work around here for quite some time. So outfits have been corporate or jeans and t-shirt. Tonight I went to the opening of the Perth gallery of Outre. One of my favourite artists of all time was featured. He was even there at the opening. But it was way too packed to get near him and I wouldn't have know what to say! "I heart your stuff man" just doesn't really cut the mustard with such a renowned artist such as Shag. His new work takes on a different concept. A series of original paintings (most of his work you can buy is limited edition prints, no less amazing I must add) that come with "The Inscrutable Mystery Guide". The guide deciphers the iconography of the each painting in the series. The idea behind it is only the people who own the paintings ever get to see what is in the guide. Inscrutable and intriguing. I'm dying to know what is in the guide, but with a $2000 price tag I can't see it happening soon. But we all need pipe dreams yes?
So with such a nice occasion to go to I got a little dressed up! Please excuse the poor photos, Marley, my nearly 4 year old wanted to get in on the action, I was a bit rushed!

I added a couple of photos with Marley as he absolutely loves the camera. He's right into the action whenever I pull the camera out!
Dress: Black Roses from Hurly Burly Clothing Perth
Fishnets: Micro Net from Target
Shoes: Burlesque Baby
Earrings: Dangerfield
Much Love
Miss Lau xoxox
PS I heart my coffee machine so much but rarely use it. It is as far from automatic as they come and I always think too hard! But this morning I just needed to fire that bad boy up! Check my latte! I so rock. Mwah! L

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The 20th Thing ~ 52 Challenge

I counted up the things I have created during this 52 Challenge I have set for myself. Today's post celebrates the twentieth thing I have made since I began this challenge on the 11th February 2010. I'm not even at the halfway point yet as far as things made goes, but I am over halfway in time. I still feel good about setting myself this challenge, but feel I need to gift myself some more time to sit back and create.

Yesterday I went and did a Cake Decorating - Novelty 101 class with Jess from Planet Cake. The Team from Planet Cake were here for the second time this year to do some workshops. Be warned ~ this is 7 epic hours on your feet of cake decorating. I really had no idea how hard this was going to be. Or how insanely precise you have to be to get these bad boys looking fabulous! But it was very much fun and I do believe there may be a new hobby brewing away inside my brain. Enjoy the circus tent extravaganza in all it's cakey goodness. It's nearly 25cms high and weighs a good coupla kgs!

Friday, August 13, 2010

52 Challenge ~ Very Bad Laura

So I am epically failing with the 52 weeks challenge I set myself some months ago, along with blogging, housework, exercise and many other things. My friend sent me a link the other day for an online class designed to boost creativity, which in theory sounds fabulous. However I have to move house sometime in the next 2 months so I am doubting I would get my moneys worth from it, given that life is going to get hectic in the near and not distant future. Hmmmmmm.............................. do I hear the sound of excuses being formed? Big fat, juicy excuses? Yes I think I do! The jury is still out as too whether I will sign up, I'll keep you posted.

In saying that I did have a spurt of creativity in the last week or so, and then ran out of supplies, and have not had time to get me some more! Eeeeps! So drum roll please.........................

I made one for myself first, it is so super pretty, after wearing it for a few days I decided that they were a fabulous idea and made one more, and then ran out of glass........*insert sad face here*. These are on longish chains, the copper one not so much, coz I didn't have much chain, but it's cute anyway.